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Social activities at St John's -

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

(John 13:33-35 - Holy Bible, New International Version)

In the Gospel accounts of the life of Jesus, there was so much that happened around meal tables and at parties. Learning, serving and growing as disciples is important, but at St John's we are committed to sharing life together in it's fullest sense, which means making the most of opportunities to gather round meal tables and grow as friends and brothers and sisters in Christ. 

Each month we have both a men's and lady's evening at a local restaurant. We try and keep the cost low and the fun high for these gatherings. 

Every Christmas we gather as church to celebrate, and we share meals together at other  times too, such as Easter. 

Come and see us soon to fnd out more, or sign up to our mailing list to be kept up to date.  

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